
Truckies is an application that fosters diversity and inclusivity within the trucking industry. Our commitment to accessibility ensures that individuals can seamlessly utilize our app. Our overarching goal is to empower women and provide them with the tools to initiate and sustain their trucking businesses.

All-in-one accessible mobile app empowering women to kickstart their trucking business and explore opportunities

Project Overview

Project Type: Mobile App


  • Tools Used: Figma, Maze,

  • Research: User Interviews, Affinity Mapping, Persona, Sitemap, Usability Test, Competitive Analysis, User Flow

My Role: Researcher & UX/UI Designer

Duration: 6-months

Problem Context

In 2022, women made up 13.7% of U.S. truck drivers, a growth of 3% from 2019 (Women in Trucking, 2022). Despite workforce shortages, female representation remains low. Factors hindering women in the trucking sector include:

  • Many women may lack access to resources and information

  • Limited knowledge about where to find loads and job opportunities

  • Harassment and fear for their safety

Keeping the objectives in mind through this challenge

  • Assist female truckers in accessing the necessary resources to initiate and sustain their businesses.

  • Facilitate opportunities for women truckers to identify and secure jobs on the road.

  • Encourage and ensure that the needs and concerns of women truckers are acknowledged and effectively addressed.

Process Overview


User Pain Points

User Goals



Affinity Map

User Persona

User Flow






Style Guide



Usability Test

Iterations & Implementation




High-Fidelity Prototype

Final Screens


Uncovering user insights and pain points

To gain deeper insights into the behaviors and needs of my users, I conducted interviews with five women truck drivers. These interviews delved into their daily work routines, the challenges they have faced, and their sentiments and attitudes toward their experiences within the trucking industry.

To recap the user interviews, I identified four key takeaways:


Have a hard time looking at their trucking apps on the road

Users with visual impairments may experience blurred vision over time, making it challenging for them to interact with their current trucking app.


Drivers seek access to resources and mentors for guidance.

Schools are not providing comprehensive training on truck maintenance and business setup, leaving truckers ill-prepared for the practical side of the industry.


Women drivers feel increasingly unsafe working in the industry.

Women in the trucking industry express the need for heightened security due to concerns about harassment and social stigma, particularly at rest stops.


Have a difficult time finding job opportunities on the road

Women in trucking struggle to find loads and job opportunities while on the road, adding stress and uncertainty to their careers.

Putting the pieces together and synthesizing the data

After conducting user interviews, I identified crucial design goals and key features that will serve as focal points during the page design process.

  • Difficult to use apps and read text during nighttime

  • Challenging to find mentors and online resources

  • Tough to find loads while on the road

Pain Points

  • Accessible Features: At least 16 px fonts, high-contrast option, and dark mode

  • A library of searchable video tutorials addressing frequently asked questions.

  • Database to locate available loads while on the road

Key Features

  • Implement a design that fosters inclusivity and accommodates a diverse user base.

  • Facilitate easy access to trucking resources.

  • Enable users to find available loads based on their location.


Tracing the steps

By empathizing with the user, I crafted comprehensive user flows, detailing each step they undertake to achieve their objective. To mitigate user pain points and offer seamless guidance within the app, I integrated crucial features into this user flow.

User Flow #1: Accessing resources

User Flow #2: Finding available jobs

Dipping into feedback from truck drivers.

To assess the application's flow and functionality, I conducted usability testing with my mid-fi wireframes. Utilizing an online platform called Maze, I asked 7 women truck drivers to test the wireframes. Following the test, I engaged with the users and identified 3 significant issues that arose many times during testing.

Trip Details Page

01. Difficult to find the button

5/7 users faced challenges in locating the button to secure a load after reviewing the load information.

02. Icons unclear leading to confusion

3/7 users had a hard time finding the right tab to access the resource videos due to its confusing icon.

Job Board Page

03. More details on the load

6/7 users expressed a preference to have visibility into their load payout readily available.

Designing for consistency

Before starting the design process, I developed a style guide to uphold consistency in components, typography, colors, buttons, and icons aligned with the brand.

For a visual reference, please refer to the image on the right showcasing the style guide.

Taking strides towards fostering diversity and inclusivity within the trucking industry

Introducing Truckies! This app promotes diversity in trucking, empowering women to start and maintain driving businesses with access to video resources and job opportunities on the road. Explore and enjoy this new platform designed to support women in the trucking industry!

Job Board

Based on usability testing feedback, it became clear that users desired upfront knowledge of their payout before accepting a load. To meet this need, I incorporated the payout amount prominently on the page, utilizing a green background to emphasize this crucial information.

Trip Details

In usability testing, users struggled to locate the small confirmation button for securing the load. In response, I enlarged and prominently positioned the button near the top of the page.

In interviews, users expressed confusion about the menu icons. To address this, I added labels to the icons, improving clarity on where each page leads.

Furthermore, I included an accessibility button on the bottom navigation bar. When clicked, it triggers a pop-up overlay menu, providing tools to enhance the app's usability for individuals with visual impairments.

Video Resources

After conducting user interviews, it was evident that users were seeking a practical solution to access video resources related to trucking. To address this demand, I incorporated a library comprising over 50 videos. Users can conveniently browse through the page or utilize the search bar to find specific videos. This feature ensures that truck drivers have immediate access to resources, aiding them in challenging situations regardless of their location.


Secured buy-ins from 50+ customers at the trucking conference presentation.

At a trucking conference, our app design idea garnered interest from over 50 women truck drivers. We highlighted the significance of our features, which prioritize resources, accessibility, and safety, backed by user research. To stay connected, we invited these potential users to sign up for our email list, ensuring they receive updates on app development and its eventual release. With substantial interest and engagement, and a growing email list of eager users, the app is on a promising trajectory for successful release and market adoption.


Super Purposes


Mike's Noodle House